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Life Ever After

by Robert Hedrick

As that last breath is taken in and
life on earth comes to an end,
No matter what you might believe, it
is still not over my friend.
It's merely a step into eternity, one
we will all eventually take,
Earlier decisions are important now
in the eternal life at stake.

Some will enter an eternity that is
filled with marvelous things,
To a home that is prepared just for
them by The King of Kings.
For while on earth, He was The One
they had chosen to follow,
Instead of yielding to Satan, joining
into his sin filled wallow.

The reward for these is greater than
mere words can bring to light,
While those remaining face darkness
worse than the darkest night.
In this darkness there'll be a flame
with heat that's unknown to man,
A terrible fate humans can't control,
one that only Jesus can.

Jesus sacrificed His Life that no one
need enter this dark and fiery pit,
There is but one way out and one way
to heaven and Jesus is it.
It is unforgiven sin closing heaven's
door and opening hell's gate,
While there's life in the body,
invite Jesus in, there's no time to wait.

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