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Oh My Son Absalom

by Margaret Cagle

The love of a parent for a child
Can be great beyond compare.
King David loved his son Absalom.
He was quite handsome and fair.

Absalom was popular with the people.
He was really quite a likable guy.
He tried to take over the kingdom,
But so tragically, he did die.

King David knew all the wrongs
That his son Absalom had done,
But he still loved him very deeply,
For Absalom was still his dear son.

David got news of Absalom's death.
Grief struck him through and through.
"Oh Absalom, my son!" he cried.
"Would God I had died for you!"

David did not die for his son,
But God's Son died for us all.
We can receive forgiveness of sin
If upon Christ Jesus we will call.

It must have caused God grief
When His Son Jesus was crucified,
When Jesus took on Himself our sins
That day on the cross where he died.

Christ Jesus arose up from the dead,
Victorious over death and the grave.
If you accept Him as your Savior,
Your soul, He will gloriously save.

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