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Sympathy Or Compassion?

by Margaret Cagle

A hungry man stood begging.
Along came a wealthy guy.
"I sympathize for you," he said,
But then he just passed on by.

A poor, compassionate widow came
And gave a dollar to the poor man.
"I don't have very much," she said,
"But I'm giving you what I can."

I heard of a missionary's need.
I said, "For him I have sympathy,
But let the others give to him.
They have much more money than me."

I prayed for this missionary,
And compassion filled my heart.
I said, "I really am concerned,
And I would like to do my part."

Our Savior showed much compassion
While on this earth he trod,
So let's follow his holy example,
And let us be pleasing to God.

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