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This Child

by Belinda van Rensburg

Lord, this child has belonged to You
From the moment that I knew
The truth of Jesus Christ Your Son;
The Lamb of God, the Risen One.

You took me as I came to You -
My heart a stone, sinful, untrue;
Surrounded by a self-built wall
I did not know You God, at all.

When life was bleak; unbearable;
When all seemed lost and terrible
You touched my soul, You called my name;
Out of the dark to You I came.

You brought me into Your bright Light
Brilliant, shining, spotless, white;
Healed all my brokenness and pain,
Renewed my mind and made me sane.

Beloved child I have become
Bought with the Blood of Your own Son;
Allowed to sit down at Your feet
And listen to Your Voice so sweet.

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