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Walking With God

by Robert Hedrick

As I walked the country lane, enjoying the afternoon breeze,
I thought about God and Adam strolling beneath Eden's trees.
Appreciating one another's company on another perfect day,
No doubt it was, for at the time, perfect was the only way.

What did Adam have to say, or did he let God do the talking,
Then they may have just enjoyed a quite time, while walking.
Experiencing a tranquillity that my mind can not understand,
The same that we will share when we reach the promised land.

If God was walking with me as He did with Adam in his time,
Perhaps I'd tell Him of my problems or say everything is fine.
Would my first words be of praise for
sending the world His Son,
Or maybe just ramble on, about those measly works I have done.

Would I ask how to better serve Him, in my time left on earth,
Or perhaps just make small talk, for whatever it may be worth.
I know that this will not happen, yet He walks with me on my way,
Then to me, It's just as real as it was to Adam, back in his day.

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