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From Humble Root

by louis gander © 2016

A green and fragile leaf, was she
and unimportant she would be.
She was depressed.
For she was small, not very big
attached so lightly to a twig -
so she was blessed.

A small and simple twig was he
which held the leaf that waved so free.
He too depressed.
He feared, with wind he'd be detached,
yet to a branch, he was attached -
so he was blessed.

A small, but stable branch was there
which seemed to bend but didn't care.
It too depressed.
Afraid of wind, its life was grim
and so unlike the larger limb -
yet it was blessed.

A large and stable limb it was,
but it, unhappy too because,
it was depressed.
It exercised. It was a 'hunk'
but wasn't an enormous trunk -
yet it was blessed.

A giant of a trunk was it?
It had opinions so unfit.
It too depressed.
It stood unmoved with haughty face
there over root on its own space -
so it was blessed.

Now root was happy. It could sing.
It fed and nourished everything -
up through the leaves.
And it was not presumptuous
when it supplied its sustenance
to all the 'least of these'.

That root was humble under sod
and faithful to creation's God -
and it would thrive.
But then wind timbered trunk and tree!
Oh, what had happened? Could it be
the root's alive...? grow another tree, no doubt.
From humble root, a humble sprout.
Do you now see?
Take care then where your faith is at
so you do not end up like that
ol' timbered tree.

This poem won first place for the August 2016 poetry contest

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