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Laughter Is A Good Medicine

by Margaret Cagle

Does your presence bring a gloom
When you walk into a room,
Or does the sight of your dear face
Bring joy and cheer into the place?

Learn to always laugh and smile
Even though it's not your style.
Laughing is also good for your health
If you are poor or have great wealth.

A merry heart is a like medicine, you see,
And it is a medicine that's always free.
Please laugh as often as you can.
This thing the government cannot ban.

Yes, laughter is always free,
So go ahead and laugh with me.
Smile and others will smile with you.
Frown and make others around you blue.

Saint, you have Jesus in your heart.
To others you really want to impart
The great joy that He gives each day,
So laugh and smile along the way.

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