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by Margaret Cagle

There is a way which seemeth right to men.
It's not the right way if you're living in sin.
If you don't have Jesus in your life,
You're headed to destruction, grief, and strife.

Without God's Son, you're headed to Hell
Where you will surely weep and wail.
Jesus is the way, and He is the light.
Accept Him and take the path that is right.

Some folks say, "My life's in its prime.
I'll live it up; I have plenty of time.
I'll accept Jesus someday, but not today."
Salvation is something you should not delay.

Death can take the young as well as the old.
It can take us anytime; we don't have to be told.
If you have not trusted in the blood Jesus shed,
Remember, it's too late after you're dead.

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