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A Spirit Free

by Kathleen Higham

How I sometimes loathe the trip
Taking the dog to the Vet
A quivering little ball of fur
Fear has gripped my pet.

Waiting for the Doctor to come
I groaned at the thought of the bill
She opened the door, I forgot
Even the dog became still.

She certainly was not the norm
When her smile graced my eyes
Then a gentle hand reaching out
I was completely mesmerized.

There was a quiet elegance
With the look of a spirit free
Jewelry dangled from her neck
A reassuring voice came to me.

I felt a total trust in her
My little dog she would mend
And I knew in that moment
That my God was her friend.

I shared a story with her
Of an old kitty that had died
Her tears took me by surprise
I believe this woman cried.

My heart marveled at the sight
Even though there was no sound
A place where only she can go
Where animals thoughts are found.

She asked me about Heaven
If I believed we'd all go there
I told her God was faithful
That always He would care.

Oh She was absolutely beautiful
And charming as she could be
For God has truly gifted her
The Doctor, a spirit free.

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