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Where Did The Glow Go?

by Margaret Cagle

Moses came down from Mount Sinai that day,
And the skin of his face shone in bright array.
He had been with God and had a glory glow.
The people were afraid because his face shone so.

Moses put a veil on his shining face
To meet with the people in that place.
He wanted his people to obey the Lord God
So they could avoid the chastening rod.

Moses dealt with a stiff-necked congregation,
Which caused him grief and tribulation.
He was a great leader as we all know,
But O, dear Moses, where did your glow go?

When you got saved, there was joy words can't tell.
You felt you could use a water pistol to charge Hell.
You wanted to do much for God right then.
You prayed, read the Bible, and sought souls to win.

Even in the valley, you served God and did right.
You tried to walk by faith and not by sight.
Others even noticed how much you did grow,
But O, dear Christian, where did the glow go?

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