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He Washed And Came Seeing

by Margaret Cagle

Jesus passed by a blind man one day.
He was blind from birth, the scriptures say.
Some asked, "Who sinned, his parents or him?"
Then Jesus answered, "Neither of them."

Jesus then spat on the ground that day,
And from the spittle, He made some clay.
With it, He anointed the eyes of the man.
For this blind man, He had a plan.

"Go wash in the pool of Siloam," He said.
The blind man went as he was led.
That anointed man went along his way
"And washed, and came seeing" that very day.

The Pharisees asked how he received his sight.
He tried to answer their questions just right.
They could not believe how it came to be,
When he said, "Once I was blind, but now I see."

Friend, we are all blind while in our sin.
We grope in darkness as blind men.
After we're washed in the blood of the Lamb,
We see the light of the great I Am!

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