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by louis gander © 2006

What's a simple, solid truth?
Is it something not so real,
because it doesn't fit our wishes -
just isn't how we feel?

If it's something in the past,
not necessarily cast in stone -
then we all can make it live
and say Columbus came alone...

If it's only what we want
and the truth is but a quiz -
then wars will be increasing
as we lack what truly is....

Truth eludes the greatest men
to them that know their goal -
if it isn't what they wanted,
they will take another poll.

And if truth is always different -
let's paint black the same as white;
though we'll toss and turn for hours with a shallow, sleepless night.

"Two wrongs don't make a right"
it was said so long ago.
And truth will hurt a whole lot more
when we say it isn't so.

The truth is very special.
It's not for us to claim -
so don't strut around parading
letting others take the blame.

The truth is very simple
but we must be on guard -
and as much as we can want it,
thirty inches makes no yard.

The truth is all but buried
in this world of selfish woe -
so is money our new friend
as our friends become our foe?

Then let me summarize this all.
The truth shall never die.
It's there to be discovered
and will surface by and by.

To be honest with our selves,
the whole world must all confess -
truth is truth and that is all,
nothing more and nothing less.

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