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Mother (revised)

by louis gander

Words describe so many things,
one beside another;
and words explain an awful lot
but can't describe my mother.

If a picture's worth a thousand words -
each word, a pound of letters;
then mother surpasses sunsets,
and gold from all my debtors.

Her witness is wholehearted,
in tithes and offerings too -
She loves without condition and,
she's faithful through and through.

She's worth a million smiles,
she carries many scars;
her worth, a million rainbows,
her value exceeds stars.

Yes, mother is quite different -
and the only one I get.
And I'm the one she could afford.
I love her quite a bit.

So what explains my mother?
What's in my vast report?
And what describes my mother when,
ALL my words fall short?

We shared so many memories,
our hearts shared many years;
so what describes my mother is,
the love inside my tears....

Yes, God created mothers,
but gave us only one -
and then so loved the world more,
in giving His own Son.

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