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A Troubled Teen, A Saved Life

by Kari Vermette

I came home from school one day, needing to talk.
The house was empty, so I went for a walk.
I came across some guys, they were doing drugs,
I recalled my mom telling me they were just thugs.
They offered me some and at first I refused.
But then I thought: What do I have to lose?
After all, I could use a good pick me up.
Next think I know, I'm getting in their truck.
We went cruising down Main Street, yellin' at all the gals.
These guys seemed like pretty good pals.
There's nothing wrong with havin' a little fun.
I might as well get it now, while I'm still young.
I did not know then what I was getting into.
Nobody ever told me the effects drugs have on you.
Next thing I know, one of the guys buys a gun.
As high as I was, I was still a little stunned.
All the guys were laughing, having a good old time.
Little did we know, we were out of our right minds.
One guy got a little too crazy and started pointing his gun at us.
We just sort of laughed at him as we cursed and cussed.
The look in his eyes changed, he was out of control.
We were hoping there was a cop out on patrol.
He started shooting, shot one guy, then another.
I was left, along with his younger brother.
I prayed to God to spare my life.
I cried and pleaded with all my might.
They guy put the gun down and started to shake.
He suddenly realized his fatal mistake.
There lay his two best pals, with no life left.
Then he killed himself as he sat there and wept.
I cried out all the more, realizing God spared my life as I asked Him to.
From that moment on, I realized the effects drugs have on you.

Several years later...
Looking back now to when I was a teen,
I still remember that horrible, gruesome scene.
I know now that I was trying to fill a void in my heart.
One that only Jesus can fill, He have me a brand new start.
I'm sharing this with you so you won't make the same mistake,
Accept Jesus in your heart before it is too late.
I plead with you to let Jesus set you free,
And you will happier that you thought you could ever be.

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