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Problems Bigger Than Mine?

by louis gander

A flood of deep emotions came
as I washed out to sea.
And drifted off, was everything
that I'll no longer see.

My business assets disappeared
behind those foamy waves.
My friends and fam'ly taken too,
my parents pushed in graves.

I clenched my fists while tears spilled out.
I swung them through thin air -
above the oceans of my tears -
for no one seemed to care.

I screamed in savage anger as
I watched those waters churn.
Depressed, I was, for all those years,
not knowing where to turn.

Who could begin to take my place
and not be temperamental?
Problems, financial and physical too,
so mentally monumental!

My life had fallen all apart.
I was a total loss,
...but then, I learned that Jesus Christ
was nailed to a cross!

This poem was a finalist in the August 2015 poetry contest

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