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A Sinner Saved By Grace

by Margaret Cagle

Just before I went to college,
My wise old daddy said,
"Don't get above your raising.
Don't let it go to your head."

"Remember where you're from,
And remember who you are,
But remember if you work hard,
You surely can go far."

Then when I went to college,
I hated my southern accent.
I tried very hard to change it.
There was really no harm meant.

Yes, I really tried to talk
Like all those "Yankees" did,
But I found I couldn't change.
I was just an Alabama kid.

Then one day it occurred to me,
What do I think I'm doing?
Can a leopard change its spots?
Can a cow stop its mooing?

I decided I am what I am,
And my accent is really me.
My daddy was so very right.
That's what I could now see.

I'm just a servant for my Lord,
A servant so lowly and meek.
For myself, no glory or praise
Should I ever want to seek.

I'm a sinner saved by grace.
To my God be all the glory.
Jesus fills my heart with joy.
Praise God! That's my story.

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