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"He That Sitteth Upon The Circle Of The Earth"

by Margaret Cagle

Long ago men said the earth was flat.
They did not look in the Bible for that.
It is a circle, in the Bible we're told.
Study the Bible; real science can unfold.

We all can seem so small in God's sight,
Like grasshoppers, compared to His might.
He made the heavens, a curtain for men.
He spread them out as a tent to dwell in.

God is so great; so great is His love!
He sent His own Son from Heaven above.
His Son died on the cross for our sin.
He shed His blood to redeem souls of men.

Jesus died to fulfill salvation's plan,
But Jesus Christ is more than a man.
Yes, God the Son arose from the grave.
Trust Him, and He your soul will save!

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