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Where Are You God?

by louis gander

Early mornings, I talk to You.
I pray until the sky is blue.
Faithfully I do my chores -
for You are mine and I am Yours.

I read the Bible, every verse -
but yet the world grows worse and worse.
So where's the bounty? Where's the fruit?
Did You get lost along our route?

Tell me now - where are you God?
You should be here. This is quite odd.
Do You just sit there on Your throne,
and leave me down here all alone?

A mustard seed - my faith exceeds.
I live a Godly life indeed.
I pour out Christian love each day -
spreading seed along my way.

So tell me why You're way up there.
and leave me here in such despair?
Please tell me, why are we apart?
Could I have followed my own heart?

Could it be, I followed me -
I never listened, couldn't see?
Yes, maybe I had took a turn,
because I didn't want to learn...

You are there and I am here -
but now I'll follow and not fear.
Early mornings, I'll hear You -
so guide me Lord, and lead me through.

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