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Everything Is Possible

by louis gander © 2005

How can I define a tune, to all the deaf on earth?
Or find the nearest ocean, and walk its total girth?
Or explain a rainbow's color, to someone blind from birth?
Or begin to taste the smallest crumb of Gods tremendous worth?

Can I play ALL the instruments, and call myself a band?
Or count each and every grain, on a beach of endless sand?
Ah, paint a rainbow in the sky? I'll never understand,
But everything is possible, for a loving, nail-scarred hand.

God can shake the mountains, and throw them to the sea!
God can rule the wind to stop, or hurl it endlessly!
It's nothing for an awesome God, that used a simple tree,
And gave His Son - so we could live - with Him, eternally!

This poem was a finalist in the March 2009 poetry contest

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