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The Scream of Life

by Kathleen Higham

There was a vague sensation
Don't know when awareness came
Just this feeling of absolute peace
When tenderly she spoke my name.

Floating, floating, so secure
Growing strong in her secret place
A longing came, a desire to see
The gentle voice without a face.

This spirit fills my very soul
I cannot acknowledge her as yet
Knowing something glorious is near
We shall meet, our time is set.

Certain hours bring the sweetest joy
As she sings softly, lovingly to me
In the darkness of my abode
Comfort, even though I cannot see.

This day my journey shall begin
Traveling downward to her door
Her cries of pain fill my ear
Pressing on, knowing there is more.

Suddenly the darkness fades
Screaming, screaming in the night
A fear overwhelming grips me
Eyes have yet to see the light.

The sound of terror in my head
Propelled into a world of strife
Tiny fists flailing frantically
Quivering lips cry the scream of life.

A scream of life serenely quiet now
When angels leave me in her care
Resting peacefully at her breast, Life
Life begins with my Mother's prayer.

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