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No Mistake

by Danette Kettwich © 2006

I sit and think of all my flaws,
What I lack in life.
Lack of focus, concentration,
All that causes strife.

The enemy creating these thoughts
Of inadequate self worth.
But Lord, You then remind me,
You orchestrated my birth!

Creating me to search for You
In this empty fruitless space,
In You my weakness is made perfect,
Sufficient is Your grace!

I am fearfully and wonderfully made,
Just the way You planned.
Knitted together in my mother's womb,
By the Master knitter's hands.

Lord in You there are no losers,
In You there's no mistake.
Open my eyes to see what You see,
The "Big Picture" must be great!

You are ever knowing,
You see the beauty not the flaws.
My imperfections covered by,
Blood of my All in All.

You make coal into diamonds,
You'll refine me as pure gold.
You'll remove all the impurities,
You'll warm a heart that's cold.

Molding me into Your image,
This sloppy lump of clay.
Not creating a fancy vase,
That on a shelf will stay.

Molding me into a vessel,
Filled with blessings and grace,
Someday I will be with You,
Standing face to face.

I must see myself through Your eyes,
I will answer to Your call.
For me you gave up Your life,
On the cross You gave Your all.

When I sit here and contemplate
All that I am worth,
Lord, thank you Your love for me,
Placed me on this earth.

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