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Don't Trip

by Danette Kettwich

Don't trip on your halo
That circles over your head.
If you think that you are perfect
You have been mislead.

It sure looks uncomfortable
Is that burden hard to bear?
Being perfect all the time;
It seems a bother to wear.

Don't trip over your halo
You'll crash on to the ground,
The Pharisees also thought they
Were the fairest ones around.

How can you see with that
Stick stuck in your eye?
It does look so painful;
It would sure make me cry.

You point out the sins of others
But how can you even see?
When you are blinded in both eyes
With a piece of tree.

Throw out that halo;
It's way too heavy after all.
Pull out that piece of tree,
Before you trip and fall.

Quit pointing fingers
Start looking at yourself.
It's a long way to fall
From high upon that shelf.

The higher we place ourselves
The harder we will fall,
For we are not
The fairest ones of all!

Are we done pointing fingers
Are we ready to look within?
For God to truly use us
We need to let His growth begin!

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