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One Last Trip

by Robert Hedrick

Weary traveler, you have at least one more trip to make,
And by far, the most important one that you'll ever take.
It's a trip of a lifetime and one a lifetime is what you get,
With the right connections made, it'll be the best one yet.

There'll be no return on this trip for it's strictly one way,
Wherever you have been directed is where you will stay.
The luggage you usually take on a trip will be left behind,
Where you go, there is no earthly possessions of any kind.

As with all trips, good plans for this one should be made,
It's costly, though the price for one direction's been paid.
There's two ways to go, with the paid one, by far the best,
In making a choice, the world's sure to put you to the test.

Death initiates this trip that takes you up before your Judge,
So get forgiveness of your sins, even that smallest grudge.
Then Jesus takes you on home to heaven's beautiful shore,
There, I believe your desire to travel wont exist any more.

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