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It's Marvelous How a Marriage Works

by George Cuff

Today you become man and wife
To live God's plan all the days of your life,
To love one another as Christ loves His own
To receive the grace poured from His throne.

It's marvelous how a marriage works,
How love conquers all our failures and quirks,
How serving works better than demanding our rights,
How kindness and peace conquer all strife.

It's marvelous to see a husband lead,
With love and grace when God they heed,
How fear and doubt just melt away
When husband and wife kneel to pray.

It's marvelous the joy a wife can bring
To a home where praises to God they sing.
Her encouraging words build up her man
As He leads His family in God's best plan.

It's marvelous to watch their children grow strong
Following God to whom they belong.
Two parents in prayer, seeking His face
Helping their children experience His grace.

It's marvelous to see the hope Christ brings
When our lives come together forgetting all things
Except to bring glory to God above
By the way they live and pour out His love.

It's marvelous to learn what a marriage can teach,
To observe the heights of love it can reach.
This is the marriage God grants to all
Who heed His voice and follow His call.

Jon and Regina…
You've chosen God; you've exercised choice;
Now seek His face and follow His voice.
If you walk in His path and live in His peace,
Your love will not fail and your joy will not cease.

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