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Red's Big Choice

by Margaret Cagle

A forest fire was raging very near,
And the farmer was beginning to fear.
Firemen sought to get it under control,
But the fire had really taken its toll.

Into the barn, the animals were led,
Except the farmer's pet hen, Red.
Red was out running here and there,
Trying to gather her chicks with care.

The farmer did all that he could do
To lead Red and her chicks to safety too.
Not one chick would Red leave behind.
All ten chicks, she sought to find.

The farmer prayed, "God, I've no choice;
I've called Red 'til I have no voice.
I hate to lose those chicks and Red,
But if I don't go, I will be dead."

The fire was all out before day's end,
And the farmer had some fences to mend.
As he started, he said, "Look at that!
What's over there, my old black hat?"

As the farmer began to look around,
He thought he heard a peep-peep sound.
He kicked the charred hat onto sticks.
Out came all ten live little chicks.

It was not a hat; it was Red, the hen.
She chose to die for her little chicks ten.
Under her wings, she bade them stay,
As she gave her life for them that day.

Like these chicks, we stray in sin,
But Jesus gave His life for all men.
Under His wings may we safely abide
Until the day we will be by His side.

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