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God Looks on the Heart

by Margaret Cagle

I heard someone say, "Just look at that.
I'll declare! That person is too fat!"
They looked at another, and did state,
"She's too skinny; death is her fate."

Someone said, "That person is weird.
I didn't go near him because I feared
That he would say something weird to me,
So I walked down another aisle, you see."

"I don't like that lady; she's too loud,
And her sister either; she's too proud.
That person over there, she's too quiet,
But not her husband; he is a riot."

We judge each person by what we see,
How that person appears to you and me,
But inside his heart, we cannot look,
Like looking at its cover to judge a book.

On the outward appearance, we will look.
We need to see what God says in His book.
Man looks on the outward appearance, you know,
But God looks on the hearts of those below.

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