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Paying Taxes

by Margaret Cagle

In Capernaum, the IRS came to say,
"Doth not your master the tribute pay?"
Peter said, "Yes," but he seemed unsure.
"Will we get money? What must we endure?"

Jesus knew what was in Peter's mind,
And the tax money, He knew where to find.
"Peter, do kings tax their children or us?
We'll pay our taxes and not make a fuss."

"Go to the sea, and there cast a hook.
Take the first fish and in its mouth look.
In the mouth of the fish, you will see
Money to pay taxes for you and for me."

Christian, is it hard for you to relax,
When you fret about paying income tax?
Can you relax on a nice fishing trip?
Remember, Jesus gave us a fishing tip.

Just make sure you go fishing for men.
It's for Jesus, those souls you can win.
Will you find money in their mouth though?
Just trust God to provide that tax dough.

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