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Jesus Loves You

by Cindy Wyatt

The Savior is waiting to enter your heart
Once he comes in he will never depart
He has life giving water to quench your thirst
And with his love you'll be immersed

He came to give you life more abundant and free
And that is why he went to the cross of Calvary
His shed blood was the perfect sacrifice
He has power to forgive sins because he paid the price

If you are thirsty then come to him now
And at the mercy seat humbly bow
He loves you so much and is the only way
Jesus is only a prayer away

Jesus is waiting with his arms open wide
He says "Come unto me and with me abide"
He'll forgive any sin you've ever done
And wipe the slate clean as though there were none

He promises you a home in heaven where you'll never grow old
Where some day you'll be walking on streets of gold
His great salvation you can never lose
Whoever comes to him he will never refuse

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