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The Good Samaritan

by louis gander

A doctor saw an angry mob
and money they had stolen -
so then he passed the beaten man
now broke and cut and swollen.

A lawyer watched the boastful crowd
with sly and greedy grin.
He pondered many lawsuits but -
the man just couldn't win.

A businessman was by the man
and picked up every stone.
A collector may pay hundreds
for each one they had thrown.

A priest was standing with the thieves.
He knew they needed teaching -
but gave the beaten man advice
with all his finest preaching.

Reporters interviewed the crowd
and printed many quotes.
A politician saw the group
and all their many votes.

He held a newborn baby and
he placed a tender kiss -
promised help for everyone -
wanted higher office.

At last, a good Samaritan
passed up the world's reward.
He cleaned his cuts and bandaged him
and paid for room and board.

Does money, power, pride seize you -
through Satan's evil lies?
Then be 'a Good Samaritan'
and "go and do likewise."

Luke 10:37

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