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A Willing Sacrifice

by Margaret Cagle

There was once a Godly Japanese man
Who tried to win souls to Christ.
His friends really didn't comprehend
Why God's Son for sin was sacrificed.

Yotomoto prayed fervently everyday
For his friends to understand and believe
And the Holy Spirit would speak to them.
Over their souls, he began to grieve.

He prayed, "Lord, whatever it takes
To win them, I am willing to do."
He was not just praying idle words.
From his heart, these words were true.

These special friends took a train trip
With Yotomoto one fateful day.
As the train rattled along mountain rails,
In his heart, Yotomoto continued to pray.

Suddenly there came some terrible news.
The engine separated from the train.
The train was now a runaway train,
And much speed it started to gain.

A hair pin curve would be up ahead.
It was only just a mile or two.
The train would drop off the mountain.
There was nothing they could do.

Yotomoto ran to the train's door
And jumped out into a blindling rain.
He ran and threw himself headlong
In front of that runaway train.

Yotomoto's body slowed the train's pace,
And danger of a wreck had passed.
Yotomoto had given his life to save
His friends who understood at last.

For them Yotomoto was willing to die
Like Jesus willingly died for them.
Those friends received Christ that day,
And all became servants for Him.

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