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A Saved Slave

by Margaret Cagle

Unto Philemon, a Christian friend,
A letter from prison, Paul did send.
He wrote on behalf of Onesimus, a slave,
Who in times past, did badly behave.

From Philemon, his master, he had run away,
And he became an inmate in prison one day.
Paul witnessed to him, and he got saved.
Then he was sorry for how he had behaved.

"Philemon, please receive him as a brother,
A brother in Christ as you'd receive another,
Not only a servant, but a Christian indeed."
He found Christ when Paul planted the seed.

Onesimus might have committed theft too,
So Paul offered to pay whatever was due
For whatever Onesimus had stolen that day
When he left Philemon and ran away.

Paul pled for forgiveness of Onesimus' sin.
Although a slave, he now had Christ within.
He repented of the sins that he had done.
"Begotten in my bonds," Paul calls him a son.

This is a picture of salvation's story.
Jesus sits at God's right hand in Glory.
He pleads our case to God; for our sins He paid.
He intercedes for us; on Him our sins are laid.

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