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Are You a Men Pleaser or a God Pleaser?

by Margaret Cagle

Along the path of our Christian life,
We are not exempt from trials and strife.
Let's keep the faith and never compromise
Just to look good in other men's eyes.

Pleasing God should be a Christian's goal.
Sometimes we have to take an unpopular role.
We may have to make sacrifices to take a stand.
Do what's right, and leave it in God's hand.

Who saved you, Christ or your fellow men?
O christian, who washed away your sin?
Then seek to please Christ in every way.
You'll see Him face to face one day.

We read about martyrs in history's pages,
Who died for Christ's sake through the ages.
We may not have to die like them,
But we need to live for Christ and please Him.

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