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"God Must Love The Poet"

by Ginger Sizemore

God must love the poet
He gave a special gift
A talent to rhyme
And clear the mind to drift
Making words that roll
And spin along the way
Only stopping to admire
The beauty of the day
To write a special poem
There is a lot to know
Just to get the meter right
And how to make it flow
Words can create a fantasy
Where fairies often live
Spreading lots of pixie dust
Oh! what a joy that they can give
Words can send a ballerina
Floating across the floor
Or send you to the ocean
And even hear it's roar
You can ride upon a ship
That sails the deep blue sea
Land on some deserted isle
Where there's only you and me
Words can let you soar
To heights you've never known
Or drop you oh so fast
That your heart will start to moan
A Poem can cause a tear to fall
Remembering a warm embrace
Or send you looking for a lost love
One you never thought you'd trace
You can feel a pets love
The warmth of it's nose
Yes, even that can be felt
With the words of a prose
You can smell the scent
Of a pretty single rose
Or even feel the tickle
Of a feather on your toes
Words can be written
Of death, war and sorrow
Or even show the light
Of a brighter day tomorrow
Yes! God loves the poet and writer
He inspired words in His book
It's called the Holy Bible
Why not take a look

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