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I Love Jesus

by Cindy Wyatt

I love Jesus because he first loved me
He rides the waves with me through the stormy sea
When I'm sailing smoothly across the bay
And a raging storm comes my way
He is the master of the sea
He says "peace be still" and it will be
I want to love him even more
for he brought my boat safe to the other shore

I love Jesus because he loves me
He loved me first and made my eyes see
My savior loves me even when I fail
And His loving kindness does always prevail
I'm so glad his love is so true
and I always have him to look to
He is always there and a true friend
His love is too wonderful to even comprehend

I love Jesus because he loves me so
He loves me and keeps me and will never let me go
He sees me when my steps are going astray
And gently leads me back to him and shows the way
He is always waiting with his arms open wide
And with his love and mercy I am never denied
His love grows sweeter and sweeter each day
for He is my constant hope and stay

I love Jesus because he is always there
I know he loves me and will always care
Others may fail me, but Jesus never
I am His forever and ever

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