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Moments Later

by Kathleen Higham

Did you ever look out your window and see a dreary, gloomy day?
Then moments later a rainbow paints the clouds away.

Did you ever say a hurtful word and cause a friend to cry?
Then moments later they hug you with the softest sigh.

Did you ever pass judgement on a sinner like yourself?
Then moments later pull your Bible from the shelf.

Did you ever linger in a sin that causes grief?
Then moments later pray to God to bring relief.

Did you ever experience a terrifying fear?
Then moments later feel the Lord draw you near.

Did you ever have an overwhelming sorrow?
Then moments later reach out to embrace tomorrow.

Did you ever forget to give God the Glory?
Then moments later tell His Salvation Story.

Well, I have done all of this and more.
Then moments later walked through His open door.

I have written lovely poems while my heart was filled with sin.
Then moments later felt my Lord stir within.

I have felt His hand sift my vilest thought and cast it aside.
Then moments later hope comes, He heard the tears I cried.

Revelation 3:8
I know thy works, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast little strength, and hast kept my word and not denied my name.

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