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Coat Of Many Colors

by louis gander

If brothers plot to kill you -
they tease and taunt and gloat -
and it was taken from you -
your multicolored coat -

if sin and evil torture you -
and throw you in a pit -
if dry and dusty are the walls
yet you refuse to quit -

if try, you to convince them -
but heckles are aplenty -
if sold then into slavery -
for shekels, only twenty -

if sold again, again you are -
and lies persist unjust -
if after you are thrown in jail -
in God, you still will trust -

then after all is said and done -
and king and father see -
the tears of joy will flow again.
Forgiving there will be.

Oh, God will one day make amends
to them who were deceived.
And 'coat of many colors' is,
for those who have believed...

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