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Be Strong In The Lord

by Cindy Wyatt

Be strong in the Lord
and the power of his might
equipped with his armour
so you can win the fight
Blessed are the people
who put their trust in the Lord
and go out to the battle
with his shield and sword

To be a good soldier,
afflictions we must endure
The path is not easy
and has hardships to be sure
We must endure all things
for the elect's sake
So they might of
God's great gift partake

The world will fight against us
and will oppose
But we are on the winning side
because our Lord arose
Jesus did arise victoriously
from the grave
Now we can go out to the battle
in his name and be brave

We are the Lord's army
to go out in Jesus name
and to the whole world
the gospel proclaim
The devil will flee when he hears
the name of God's son
He is a defeated foe
and by God's power outdone

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