Please watch over this old heart of mine;
As You keep watch over my soul.
Mend what's broken, or not with You in line;
And make it healthy and whole.
Correct what You don't like, Lord, please -
Let no harmful weeds there grow.
That might hurt, but I'll much appreciate
The loving care that You bestow.
Let it never become hardened, or bitter -
Dear Lord, may that never be;
And should it ever become haughty, then -
Please be quick to humble me.
I pray You would fill my heart with peace;
With light, and love, and tenderness.
For all Your blessings, Father in heaven;
May it overflow with thankfulness.
Above all I pray that I may always love Jesus,
From the deepest depths of my heart;
That Your Holy Spirit may fill me completely -
And nevermore from me depart.
In Jesus' name,