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Just Say "No" To Bitterness

by Margaret Cagle

Don't let bitterness eat you up.
Just fill your life with sweetness.
Let God's blessings fill your cup,
And live your life with meekness.

Is your life filled with heart-felt joy
As you live from day to day,
Or do you have to buy a new toy
To shed joy along the way?

Let Jesus come into your life today.
He will give your life a new start.
His blood can wash your sins away.
The Holy Spirit can fill your heart.

You say, "So many have done me wrong.
How can I feel happy within?"
Nobody can take away your song
When Jesus takes away your sin.

So to that bitterness, just say "no."
"Bitterness, stay away from me.
You make me sick; you have to go.
Praise God! Jesus has set me free!"

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