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Lets Just Say

by Robert Hedrick © 2017

Now lets just say it's a day like today and
you're mowing the grass,
Enjoying the sunshine and a fresh breeze,
acknowledging neighbors as they pass.
Stopping occasionally, mopping your brow
to keep perspiration from the eyes,
For it does get a little warm even though
there's some clouds in the skies.

Now lets just say that suddenly there was
a trumpet's sound and a shout,
Then from among the clouds in the sky, an
Angelic Figure comes out.
Instant confusion sets in and for some odd
reason, the bible comes to mind,
Thinking, if I can just locate it, I will find an
explanation of some kind.

Now I will have to say it's just too late, for
bible study time has ended,
You had the opportunities to seek it's truth,
yet it was the enemy you befriended.
Remember the times the word was taught
and the message it would bring,
Describing this very day and the return of
Jesus Christ our Lord and King.

Now lets say this was just a warning, that
someday it will all take place,
When Jesus appears in the air to take to
heaven those saved through His grace.
So with your remaining time, turn to Jesus
and follow Him the rest of the way,
Then when He returns, you'll be with those
heaven bound for an eternal stay.

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