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by louis gander © 2009

Is something in life missing?
Do you always bear the cost?
Do you feel somewhat empty?
Do you feel that something's lost?

Are you feeling down and out?
Is life so very bad?
Are you looking for an answer?
Are you puzzled - very sad?

Sometimes, in life, the pieces
don't always seem to fit -
it's then we feel so empty
and often times will quit.

As with me, I'd focus
on life's tremendous wealth.
I thought I saw the picture of -
its riches and good health.

At first I worked the border.
The colors I'd assess -
and then I'd push another in,
and thought I'd found success.

Searching, searching, searching more,
I'd find another clue -
and as the larger picture cleared,
I'd get a clearer view.

So then in greater diligence
I'd press more pieces in -
but as the picture took its shape,
I found myself in sin.

There were some pieces missing -
and many questions raised -
but as it came apparent, I
sat speechless and amazed.

That puzzle seemed much brighter
than all the fairest weather.
The less I strained to see it,
the more it came together!

The sky exquisite, stunning -
with deepest, bluest blues -
and buildings never seen before -
were fascinating hues.

Tall alabaster columns,
reflected spectrum's light -
and set apart from specks of dust -
appeared so pure and bright.

The lines between the pieces
then simply disappeared -
and as I saw that picture,
my head had really cleared.

The puzzle, almost finished -
though life had sought out fun.
The center of my hearts own work
was missing the last one.

The missing piece was at my door -
years, waiting to come in -
I never heard the knocking though -
for I was dead in sin.

I felt lost, inadequate -
compelled to see it then.
This speck of dust broke down on knees,
I sought that piece again.

Grace brought it all together -
through faith life sure is sweet.
Until He placed that final piece -
my life was incomplete.

You know your life is fleeting,
you know your life will cease -
so just allow God's only Son
to place your final piece.

I could not place it in myself,
for humbleness is key -
and now that missing puzzle piece
is locked in there for me.

So when in life, discouraged,
and you want to call it quits -
just pray out loud to Jesus.
His puzzle piece always fits.

This poem won second place for the June 2009 poetry contest

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