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Manasseh Bowed in His Affliction

by Margaret Cagle

Manasseh was a king of Judah
In the times of kings long ago.
He did evil in the sight of God,
As did many other kings, we know.

When things were going his way,
The Lord he did not try to seek,
But when he was in affliction,
He humbled himself and was meek.

Manasseh then sought the Lord.
Affliction brought him to his knees.
He finally realized who to turn to
When there's a great need he sees.

That's just like many Christians,
Who stray away from what is right.
We act like there's no need to stay
Close to the Savior, our light.

Then some affliction comes along.
We humbly call on God in prayer,
But why does it take affliction
To keep us close by Him there?

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