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Yet Without Sin

by Margaret Cagle

Christians struggle with temptations galore.
We overcome one, and then we have more.
We don't have to yield to temptations, you know.
With the Holy Spirit's power, we can say "no."

Our holy Savior had temptations too
When He came to die for me and for you,
But He resisted temptation and did not sin.
He was a sinless sacrifice for sinful men.

A Lamb without spot or blemish was He.
For sinners, He shed His blood on Calvary.
He was the perfect sacrifice without sin.
Then with power over death He did win.

He was tempted in all points, yet without sin,
But He took upon Him the sins of all men,
When He shed His blood and died that day.
Jesus' blood can wash our sins away.

He arose again and had power over death!
Praise God for the Savior with every breath!
On the Father's right hand, He intercedes.
When we pray to God, our case Christ pleads.

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