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A Time To Grieve

by Margaret Cagle

I had a Christian co-worker,
Whose husband had passed away.
I knew that she still grieved
As I watched her day by day.

Every time she mentioned him,
Her eyes would fill with tears.
I thought, "That's too much grief,
Lady, it's been two whole years."

Later, my husband passed away.
Then I knew just how she felt.
Though I knew he was in Heaven,
In my thoughts, he always dwelt.

One day I heard a Christian say,
"There's no time limit on grief."
I was glad to hear this statement.
I knew that my grief was not brief.

You never really get "over it."
Most people say that, I am sure,
But the comfort that comes from God
Makes that grief easier to endure.

If you have lost a loved one,
Don't feel you're grieving too much.
Just call on the Lord for comfort.
He will give you a special touch.

God, in His wisdom knows that grief
Can pierce our hearts like darts,
But He also sent us the Holy Spirit
To give peace and comfort our hearts.

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