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These That Turned the World Upside Down

by Margaret Cagle

We work for God, not for the praise of men.
When we get results, others notice then.
They talk about what they hear and see.
They make varied remarks about you and me.

In the Book of Acts, people had their say
About some on fire for Christ along the way.
"These that turned the world upside down
Are come hither also," they said with a frown.

Jesus' followers made a difference then.
They surrendered it all to tell other men
Of the good news of salvation so great,
Even though prison could be their fate.

We can make a difference for God too.
We don't have to boast about what we do.
People can see the results it can bring.
Pleasing our Savior makes our heart sing.

Turn the world upside down for God,
Saint, as on this narrow path you trod.
Sow the seed, and God will do the rest.
He gives the increase, and you'll be blessed.

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