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She Hath Done What She Could

by Margaret Cagle

Mary of Bethany loved the Lord,
And she often sat at Jesus' feet.
She chose to learn from her Master,
For her spiritual needs He would meet.

This Mary did something for Jesus
That is recorded in the Bible pages
That Jesus wants us to remember
Among Christians down through the ages.

Mary broke an expensive alabaster box
Of spikenard so precious and dear
And poured it on the head of Jesus
To anoint Him, for His burial was near.

Some had indignation and murmured,
"This waste does not make sense!
It could have been sold for the poor.
It would bring over three hundred pence."

Jesus quickly answered, "Let her alone!
She hath wrought a good work on Me.
She anointed My body early for burial.
She hath done what she could, you see."

"Wheresoever this Gospel is preached
Throughout the world this must be told,
Being spoken of as a memorial for her."
It was truly an act of love to behold.

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