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Lovest Thou Me?

by Margaret Cagle

After Peter had denied Jesus thrice,
He regretted that he didn't pay the price.
"I'll lay down my life for Thee," a vow not kept.
Peter realized this, and he bitterly wept.

After Jesus' resurrection, it would seem
That now He gave Peter a chance to redeem
Those three times he denied his Master.
"Laying down his life" vow turned to disaster.

Jesus asked, "Lovest thou Me more than these?"
"Thou knowest I love Thee." Yes, Jesus sees.
"Feed My lambs," Jesus answered then.
He wanted Peter to give the Gospel to men.

Again Jesus asked Peter, "Lovest thou Me?"
"Lord, Thou knowest that I love Thee."
Jesus saith to Peter, "Feed My sheep."
This command, Peter wanted to keep.

Again Jesus asked, "Lovest thou Me?"
This grieved Peter, being thrice, you see.
Peter said, "Lord, Thou knowest all things.
Thou knowest I love Thee," his answer rings.

"Feed My sheep," Jesus answered once more.
Peter got a glimpse of what was in store
For those whose all is on the altar laid,
For in the service of Jesus, Peter stayed.

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