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Her Hymns Live On

by Margaret Cagle

Many hymns that we still sing today
Were written by Fanny Crosby so dear.
Her hymns are touching and glorify God.
They make salvation's message clear.

Fanny Crosby was greatly used by God,
Though most of her life she was blind.
She looked forward to seeing her Savior
And leaving all her blindness behind.

Fanny wrote over eight thousand hymns
While she served her great Savior below.
The words of these hymns exalt Christ.
In each, her love for Jesus doth show.

Fanny lived to be almost ninety-five.
She served God most of these years.
She went home to see her loving Savior
Where she sees as well as she hears.

Fanny's body lies in a grave in Connecticut.
On a small tombstone is written a phrase,
"Aunt Fanny, she hath done what she could."
'Twas said of Mary of Bethany in olden days.

In 1955, a big memorial was built
By lovers of Fanny Crosby hymns so fine.
On this memorial is engraved the first stanza
Of "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine."

Fanny truly lived her life for Christ.
Her hymns filled our hymn book pages.
Though she is now in Heaven with Jesus,
Her hymns live on through the ages.

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