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Don't Give Up

by Margaret Cagle

Sometimes it seems that our sky stays dark
With storm clouds that bring us gloom.
Sometimes circumstances appear to be stark,
And we think we are headed for doom.

Though sickness and pain can bow us low,
And we feel that we are all alone,
O child of God, just remember to go
To God, Who is still on His throne.

In His great infinite wisdom and grace,
God knows how much we can bear.
Pray without ceasing and seek His face.
Give Him your burdens and leave them there.

Never give up, O dear Christian friend,
Though you may feel so painful and weak.
Yes, sometimes it is hard to comprehend
Why so much adversity troubles the meek.

The joy of the Lord is your strength, O Saint,
So with God's joy, fill your spiritual cup.
Mount up like eagles, and do not faint!
Just trust the Lord, and do not give up!

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