We read - each day - Your Holy Word.
We know that it is true.
We promise to obey you Lord -
but 'WHAT' are we to do?
We read and understand Your Word,
You know our lives are pure.
We promise to obey you Lord -
but 'WHEN'? - we're not so sure.
We read and comprehend Your Word,
You know we inward grow.
We promise to obey you Lord -
but 'WHERE' are we to go?
We are as ready as Your Word,
prepared to follow through.
We promised to obey you Lord -
but 'WHO' should follow You?
We always keep on promising
and say we'll do our best -
but when it gets right down to it
our 'will' has taken rest.
Oh, Jesus took up His own cross -
and died for me and you -
and Jesus did not ask and ask -
the 'what', 'when', 'where', or 'who'....
'WHAT' we do - is follow Him.
The 'WHEN' is now, you see.
'WHERE' is to lost, dying souls,
and 'WHO' is always "me".